Gloria Trevino's story is one of resilience, perseverance, and unwavering dedication to the pursuit of justice. Coming from a highly decorated military family, she carries a deep commitment to the principles of justice and human rights; A commitment that was only strengthened following the horrific travesty of justice leading to an unnecessary and senseless death of her completely paralyzed and helpless brother, Robert Trevino on November 3rd, 2022 - Robert was highly recommended for the prestigious silver star for his heroic achievements in the republic of Vietnam, and is a bronze star purple heart recipient. Unfortunately in 1995 in Waxahachie, Ellis County, TX Robert was a victim of a malicious "hang'em high" Texas style railroad of hypocrisy and injustice with "BIG LIES" with "ZERO EVIDENCE" on the pretext of justice and subsequently amounts to a modern day salem witch trial. Robert was condemned to life in prisonment by an all white jury. The prison system itself is a modern day death trap with inadequate medical care. Other irregularities of the sham trial with the total lack of medical evidence of the sexual assault of the rebel gang of "Pyro Pirates" juvenile delinquents, devil worshipers and thieves with pending felony charges that accused Trevino of the crime. There was NO DNA, NO footprints, NO fingerprints, NO scratches or bruises, NO torn clothing, NO fibers, and overall NO corroboration, NO substiation, NO smoking gun and NO minorities in a bias all white jury to ensure a conviction and maximum life sentence and made a foregone conclusion. Furthermore the state witnesses (gang members) had felony charges pending and were under mandatory psychiatric treatment for their antisocial personality disorders and psychopathic criminal minded behavior. Truancy, burglary and statutory rape of 12 year old. Rather than prosecuting them and sending them to prison, they obtained court records indicting Robert as the foster parent with the consent of CPS. That is how Robert being Robert's life threatening medical disabilities worsened due to the inadequate medical was refused MRIS discharge. All proof was concealed and suppressed. Robert spent his final years of life waging a relentless battle against a corrupt system run by renegade career politicians that misrepresent themselves as the hero's living the American Dream supposedly "serving" the public. Robert was living the American nightmare while the career politicians with corruption and discrimination in their DNA, misrepresenting themselves and living the American Dream. They share a common contempt and commit treasonous acts against the Constitution of The United States of America, and Bill of Rights which real heroes have paid the ultimate price defending against all enemies, foreign & domestic. They have normalized these crimes. Everything was suppressed and concealed. They demonized Robert and despite of war time injuries and heroics, inconsistent with what they have accused him of. It is more consistent with a racist, political vendetta and 1600 Century Salem Witch Trial against a very humble and grateful wounded warrior that would take his shirt off his back to help others. Gloria Trevino's story is one of resilience, perseverance, and unwavering dedication to the pursuit of justice. As a honorably discharged Hispanic veteran, she carries a deep commitment to the principles of justice and human rights, a commitment that was only strengthened following the passing of her brother, Robert Trevino, in November 2022. Robert, a fellow veteran, spent his final years of life waging a relentless battle against a system that he firmly believed had betrayed him and left him & his family behind. In breach of our nations solemn promise to leave no one behind. Robert was stripped of his VA rights and benefits leaving him more vulnerable to the exploitations and abuses which should never be allowed. For the Government to replace his badges of honor with badges of infamy without reason fueled by stigmatized discrimination and corruption. His constitutional, civil, human and international rights were trampled as if they never existed. Criminals are even provided equal opportunity in process of law that Robert was denied. His journey, alongside Gloria's, underscores the enduring struggles that American veterans from wars like Vietnam and Iraq often face. Their story is not just a personal one; it represents the broader challenges and mindsets of countless veterans who have given their all for their nation. Vietnam veterans share a common thread of sacrifice and service. They answered the call of duty, leaving behind their families, homes, and the comforts of civilian life to serve their country. The decision to serve in the armed forces is one rooted in a profound sense of duty and patriotism, with the belief that they are protecting and defending the principles that the United States stands for. They are willing to put their lives on the line, facing the horrors of war, with the expectation that their nation will stand by them in return. However, the reality for many veterans, including Robert Trevino, paints a different picture. After serving their country, veterans often find themselves grappling with a system that can be slow, bureaucratic, and sometimes indifferent to their needs. The difficulties faced by veterans stem from a complex web of challenges, including inadequate healthcare, mental health issues, difficulty in accessing support services, and the pervasive feeling of being let down by the very system they swore to protect. One of the most significant challenges that veterans from Vietnam wars face is the emotional and psychological toll of war. They carry the heavy burden of witnessing and experiencing traumatic events that can haunt them for the rest of their lives. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a pervasive issue among these veterans, leading to a myriad of difficulties in reintegrating into civilian life. For many, like Robert, the scars of war are not just physical but emotional, and these internal battles often go unnoticed by a society that is too quick to move on from the horrors of war. The healthcare system, meant to support veterans in their times of need, is notorious for being overwhelmed and underfunded. The long waiting times, lack of adequate mental health services, and the difficulty in navigating the bureaucracy can be disheartening. Veterans like Robert, who are in desperate need of medical and mental health care, find themselves caught in a seemingly endless loop of red tape and frustration. Another challenge faced by veterans is the difficulty in accessing benefits and support services. Navigating the labyrinthine bureaucracy of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can be a daunting task, particularly for those who are already dealing with physical or psychological wounds. The process of filing for disability claims, accessing educational benefits, or seeking support for housing and employment can often become a frustrating and disheartening journey. For veterans like Robert, the fight for justice against a system they perceive as having failed them becomes a personal mission. They believe that they deserve better, not just for themselves but for their comrades who sacrificed alongside them. Gloria Trevino's relentless commitment to continuing her brother's fight symbolizes the indomitable spirit of veterans who refuse to be silenced. She carries the torch for her beloved brother and all veterans, ensuring that their stories are heard and their struggles are not forgotten. The story of Gloria Trevino and her brother Robert underscores the need for continuous reform and improvement within the systems meant to support veterans. It calls for better access to mental health care, streamlined processes for accessing benefits, and a society that is more attuned to the needs of those who have served in the nation's armed forces. In conclusion, the ugly reality of Robert Trevino and family is a textbook case of how the combination of stigmatized discrimination, corruption of government institutions have in their DNA as what amounts to a coverup and whitewash with impunity in the first degree. This follows the other case scenarios such as precedence of the warren commission. Where is the money that is supposed to be used for Veterans rights, benefits and legal services for equal access to justice actually going? The mindset of American veterans from the Vietnam is one of unwavering dedication to their nation and the principles it stands for. They face immense difficulties in their post-service lives, from the emotional scars of war to the bureaucratic challenges of accessing healthcare and support services. The story of Gloria Trevino and Robert Trevino is a testament to the enduring fight for justice and the commitment to ensure that the sacrifices of veterans are recognized and honored. It is a story that resonates with countless veterans who, like Robert, have given their all for their country and continue to battle for the justice and support they rightfully deserve. (THE COVERUP IS WORSE THAN THE CRIME)
Supporting efforts to continue Robert’s legal battle posthumously, assisting Gloria in her ongoing advocacy, and striving for systemic change is an imperative moral and societal duty. Robert’s unresolved struggle and Gloria’s tireless advocacy represent not only an individual quest for justice but also a chance to address systemic shortcomings within our society.
Funding Robert’s legal battle with donations and contributions signifies a commitment to rectifying past injustices and upholding the principles of justice and equality. It’s an opportunity to ensure that his legacy is one of resilience and triumph over adversity rather than a tale of defeat.
Supporting Gloria’s advocacy is an investment in creating a brighter future for veterans and their families, where they receive the care and recognition they rightfully deserve. Her determination serves as a beacon of hope for countless veterans, inspiring them to seek the justice they are owed.
Working towards systemic change is crucial for preventing similar cases of injustice from occurring in the future. It is an acknowledgment that there are systemic flaws that need addressing, and our collective efforts can lead to lasting improvements in the treatment of veterans and the support they receive.
In conclusion, contributing to these endeavors is a way to rectify the past, support the present, and secure a more just and compassionate future for veterans and their families.
Aiding Gloria in her pursuit of justice is not just a commendable act; it is an essential demonstration of solidarity and empowerment. As a Hispanic female veteran, her journey is marked by unique challenges, and she embodies resilience in the face of adversity. Supporting her means giving her the resources and backing she needs to continue her relentless advocacy for her brother and for all veterans who have faced similar struggles. It’s about acknowledging the significance of her voice and ensuring that it’s heard in the quest for justice and reform within the system that she, and countless others, have served with unwavering dedication.
Honoring those who served our nation is essential as it recognizes their sacrifices, preserves their legacies, and fosters a sense of gratitude and national unity. It is the ultimate betrayal of our nations promise to leave anyone behind. This Veterans Day and everyday thereafter, place take a moment to remember our fallen brothers and sisters for the courageous sacrifices they made protecting our country and your freedom.
We will never forget and always appreciate the ultimate sacrifice you paid for our freedom and equal access to justice for all. Although Robert Trevino is no longer with us, his legacy of honor, courage and dedication to equal access to justice to all and posthumous exoneration has only just begun.